
30 simple home remedies for Morning Sickness

I use acupuncture with great success to treat many women for morning sickness.   Depending on the severity of the condition you may need 1- 3 acupuncture treatments per week in the initial period, then weekly treatments until things settle down which is usually around week 14 of your pregnancy. Many women ask what they [...]

By |2022-05-04T16:40:24+10:00June 25th, 2010|Women's Health|0 Comments

What every parent should know about treating children’s cold and flu

Colds and Flu are a common occurrence for children and adults alike, 6 per year is average until around 7-8 yrs old when children's immune systems mature. Prevention involves strengthening your child’s immune system and you can do this by: Dressing appropriately for the weather - keep those tootsies warm and avoid children running [...]

How to make warming, nourishing congees

Congee is basically a slow cooked rice porridge whose therapeutic qualities can be altered depending on what other ingredients are added. Generally, rice congee is a digestive enhancer and improves assimilation. The basic rice congee is easy to digest and is as much a great first food for babies (if made with organic short [...]

By |2022-05-12T15:17:09+10:00June 8th, 2010|Healing Power of Food|7 Comments

Don’t Stress, Oriental Medicine can help

HSC, TAFE, College and Uni exams, Driving tests, Report Deadlines - Everywhere you turn it seems you or your   children are being called to action and some of us just don’t perform well under pressure. Don’t mention the word exam and you can answer any question, and without a deadline the report almost writes [...]

By |2022-08-07T16:18:36+10:00May 31st, 2010|Stress Management|2 Comments

Children and Oriental Medicine

In many ways, both internally and externally, children’s bodies are quite immature. A child’s digestive system, for example, will not become mature until he or she is about seven to eight years old. Before this time children are prone to many common ailments such as regular coughs and colds, glue ear and tummy upsets. [...]

By |2023-05-03T13:01:24+10:00May 28th, 2010|Children's Health|0 Comments